At SocialTensor, our mission is to democratise AI by making it universally accessible and tailored to a host of use cases. We focus on creating AI services and products that are efficient, cost-effective, and highly adaptable, designed to serve a diverse range of applications across industries. Our goal is to propel the future of AI, enabling every user type to leverage advanced technology in ways that are practical, impactful, and transformative.
SocialTensor is powered by the Bittensor network, a decentralized marketplace for machine intelligence. Bittensor incentivizes a global network of machine learning nodes and, fosters a decentralised approach to AI development. By leveraging the Bittensor network, we deliver efficient and scalable AI solutions, pushing the boundaries of decentralised AI technology.
Our vision at SocialTensor is to redefine the landscape of AI by making advanced, decentralised technology accessible to everyone. We aim to dramatically reduce the costs associated with AI usage and development, through decentralised technoligues such as the Bittensor and ZEUS networks.. Part of this vision includes providing efficient, cost-effective inference services, enabling users to leverage powerful AI capabilities without the traditional overhead. By democratising access to AI, we empower individuals and businesses to innovate and thrive in a rapidly evolving digital world.
We are a diverse team of professionals, each bringing unique skills and experiences from various industries and walks of life. Our collective strength lies in this rich mix of backgrounds, enabling us to approach challenges creatively and effectively. It’s this diversity that drives our innovation and success, allowing us to deliver impactful solutions across different domains.
Tailored to you.
And there when you need it most.